Menschitude FAQs

What is a Mensch?

In Yiddish, "Mensch" roughly means "a good person"…similar to a "stand-up guy", a person with the qualities one would hope for in a friend or trusted colleague.

During the Age of Enlightenment, in Germany the term Humanität, in the philosophical sense of "compassion", was used in Humanism to describe what characterizes a "better human being". The concept goes back to Cicero's humanitas, which was literally translated as Menschlichkeit in German, from which the Yiddish word “Mensch” derives.”

Or, more simply:

A whole person, a person of heart, mind, ethics, and guts

OK, got it! So, what's Mindfulness?

  • Mindfulness is clear, present-centered awareness of our sensations, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

  • Mindfulness shows us where we are and how we work, so that we can become more-effective, fulfilled, and loving in the world.

  • In Mindfulness for Mensches (MfM™,) Mindfulness is the set of tools for increasing our Menschitude.

I've heard of Mindfulness, like in Buddhism or Yoga. What makes this Mindfulness different from all other Mindfulnesses?

Most people learn Mindfulness as a series of practices, like meditation or yoga asanas, that train them to be more aware in the Now, which allows them to decrease the suffering that comes from thinking too much about the Past or the Future. They also usually learn how to be more-aware in their bodies, not just in their thoughts, which helps them reduce body tension.

All of that is great training and we at Mindfulness For Mensches think everybody can benefit from that basic Mindfulness training. But here at MfM™, we wanna go a bit deeper, to help you explore more of how you tick, and to use Mindful Awareness to change basic patterns that get in the way of living life joyfully, richly, ethically, lovingly, and fully.

Okay, so, what does MfM™ bring to the table that I can't get from basic Mindfulness?

We're glad you asked!!! Mindfulness For Mensches integrates basic Mindfulness, which comes from Eastern philosophical traditions like Buddhism, with the depth psychology of Gestalt Therapy.

Ge-what Therapy????

  • Gestalt Therapy is a Western form of psychotherapy that combines present-centered awareness with a 7-stage model for how we get our needs met in the world.

  • Gestalt (German for "whole") aims to teach us how we get in our own way, and how we can remove our blocks, or stucknesses, towards more-fulfilled living (more wholeness, get it?)

  • But, it's not just about getting our individual needs met. It's also about learning to respond to the needs of others and the world, so that our lives serve the larger purpose of creating a better world. Hence, greater Menschitude all round.

Sounds complicated, Batman! Can't I just decide to be a good person, get whatever I can pick up in kicks, and call it a day?

Oh, sure, by all means, those are fine intentions, and we're all for them! But, as you will see, if you hang around MfM™ for a minute, we're not always that able to muster up what it takes to be that good person, and the usual kicks we pick up may get old and stale or be too superficial for the kind of deep fulfillment that befits a magnificent Mensch like yourself.

MfM™ takes us to a level of self-knowledge, depth, and skill that will make your old life seem as flat as a pancake (and with no syrup, too!). MfM™ wants you to dive deep into the giant buffet that life can be, instead of just going from one pancake breakfast to the next.

Look, that all sounds very tasty, but I'm super-busy, and I don't have time to make such a big overhaul of my life.

No sweat! We get it! We're all way too busy, and who wants another mountain of chores to add to the heap? MfM™ is built for learning simple pieces, a little at a time, at your own pace, and to the extent that fits for you.

The 7-Stage/Step model can be explored and practiced a day at a time (7 Steps, 7 Days), or in whatever order you want. We're only here to teach you what's possible, and then you make it work for you in your own unique Menschy style.

Ok, I'll try it. How do I start?

Well, we suggest you go to our Concepts page, just to familiarize yourself with the basic building blocks. After that, you can start exploring the Stages/Steps to Menschitude. Those will help you to understand where you stand, Menschitude-wise, and will give you practices for increasing your Menschitude.