Here's what some have said about MfM and Jess' teaching:
Jesse Rabinowitz has an easy and relaxing style to his teaching which made me feel more comfortable to share my thoughts and personal questions. I feel I gained several tools to further investigate my own inner workings which ultimately helps me become a more aware person and hopefully to help me on my way to being a "mensch" as he would say. Sharing time with Jesse is time well spent for those who wish to grow. --Chris W.
Jesse, thank you so much again for the meaty, meaningful experience Mensching! The last class was especially one that I needed and appreciated. I have already been trying some new “contact” techniques (small steps) and will continue this awareness in important encounters…remembering that I am only half of the encounter. --Judith N.
Your course and materials were rich with insights and evoked insights. I emerged from it more relaxed, more in touch with the mensch I aspire to be. This has enabled me to enter into new relationships as well as experience previous relationships differently bringing to them more depth.
It was and is a positive, powerful experience.
Thank you! --Sallie R
I think about the experience I had with you and the group and it has been a source of solace. You set the tone that allowed us all to be comfortable sharing important experiences and being able to sit with difficult times together. Since September of 2020, I have been sorely impacted with anxiety at a level and a consistency that I have never known. Just working through the exercises and being with the group helped me to stop fighting so much (I still do, but I am learning) and just ease into the feeling. I think this experience helped to allow for an important shift, one I must keep practicing, toward a truer level of acceptance. There are times when the anxiety gets in deep and, when it does, I often think back to those sessions, your guidance, and the experiences of this wonderful group. I breathe and just stay with what is, and don't try to resist...and then I feel the grip release...and I keep breathing.
Thank you, Jesse, and thank you, wonderful group! --Jim B.